Looking for help?
How to ask for help
[columns count=2 width=200px] !!!! - Be courteous: help in the chatrooms or on the forum is given by our users and contributors, all volunteers. !!!! - Explain the context of your request in a complete but concise way. !!!! - It is paramount to share the error logs with YunoPaste (green buttons in your webadmin, then share the link to the generated page). !!!! - Be patient, as your messages might not be seen instantly.
!! - Do not ask about your attempted solution but rather your actual problem (see XY problem). !! - Avoid phrases like "server does not want", "the app does not load", or other meaningless sentences. !! - Do not trim error messages, but do not paste a wall of illegible unformatted code either. (Use YunoPaste) !! - Do not ask your question like a poll ("does anyone else succeeded in...?"). [/columns]
Connect to the support chatroom
Please change your username, as we got legions of ynhuser
!!! Note: this room is available via
!!! - Matrix (#yunohost:matrix.org
using Element)
!!! - IRC (#yunohost
on libera.chat, using kiwiirc)
!!! - XMPP (support@conference.yunohost.org
... or ask on the forum !
Please follow the Support section post template. It helps everyone understand the context of your request.
[center][fa=comment /] Go to the forum](https://forum.yunohost.org/?target=_blank&classes=btn,btn-lg,btn-success) [/center]
You've found a bug ?
!!!! Please report bugs on our bugtrackers or contact the developers
[fa=exclamation-circle /] Report a bug in YunoHost's core [fa=exclamation-circle /] Report a bug in one of YunoHost's apps [fa=comment /] Contact the developers
!!! Note : you can also connect to the dev and apps chatrooms, see the corresponding page