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Administration from the API or an external application

All command line actions can also be ran from the web API. The API is available at https://your.server/yunohost/api.

Test with curl

You must first retrieve a login cookie thanks to the /login route to perform the other actions.

# Login (with admin password)
curl -k -H "X-Requested-With: customscript" \
-d "credentials=supersecretpassword" \
-dump-header headers \

# GET example
curl -k -i -H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H 'Cookie: yunohost.admin="XXXXXXXX"' \
-L -b headers -X GET https://your.server/yunohost/api/ROUTE \
| grep } | python -mjson.tool

Test with our swagger doc

  1. Login on the Webadmin of
  2. Use the Try it out button on the API endpoint you want to test